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Write the HTML code on Blog Posts

If we had wanted to write a script on the post, we need the additional code other than code which shall be displayed on the post itself, now there is a more simple and easy to do, namely use of options on creating new posts, which in included by Blogspot.
the steps are as follows:
  1. write posts as usual.
  2. Copy the java script code that you want in the Compose, not on HTML edit area!
  3. Below left you see it "post options" screen, please click
  4. In writing the settings, select "HTML to show the existence of" or "Show HTML literally"
  5. Please publish this code you create is ready to display.
Note : When copying the javascript code in the post. place the code in composing, not to edit the HTML in place here because if you make the script code will be read and will change shape. That was simple tips from me, hopefully can help