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How to make banners , Online

Flash animation is widely used as an accesories to enhance your blog, here icki want to try to post how to provide flash animation for web pages:
a lot of online web programs that can be utilized to create flash animations as well as providing the final result could be a script which we place on our blog. as an example we take www.flashvortex.com site, here we can easily create Flash animations without having to understand the clever animation or flash program.
for those who want to try, read the full page of this post.

Here How to create :
  1. toward sites that can make Flash animation, www.flashvortex.com
  2. create a flash animation, select banners, text, button or the menu that we want to put on the blog
  3. Take, for example to create animated text, go to the site flashvortex, select the text, then specify the desired model animation
  4. after a steady option, click the "Click here to edit this", change it according to taste
  5. after finishing at the bottom of the page click generate animation, then we will get results from the animated text that we want
  6. under the appearance of animation there are two boxes easy and advanced, easy on the box is a script that can we place on our blog.
  7. copy the script and save it in notepad or another.
  8. sign in on the blog and choose the layout, added gadge, select the HTML code
  9. paste the script that we save to notepad and save the HTML gadgets, see the results
  10. to the location can be adjusted

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