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Harddisk Bad Sector

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Bad sectors is the term for the hard drive capacity which can no longer be used to store or retrieved data is ever stored, the new operating system is now able to map the hard drive in the regard as badsector, therefore badsector condition is not a big problem (looks like) , but the damage that effected badsector on the hard disk may develop, which means, the damage (badsector) the longer it will be more extensive that in a certain time it will make no damage to hard disk as a whole.
The most dire effects if a disk badsector is growing increasingly widespread destruction of data stored in each sector-sector. due to the fact his condition bad sector will no longer be on the call data as it was already destroyed along with the occurrence of bad sectors on the section.

the bad sector often caused by:
  1. software errors or mistakes the hard drive head when reading / writing, in the sense that when we install applications that are running less good / less than perfect so that information from the application is incorrect - properly written and well stored in the sector. things like this it is better not let it, get to, do insatalasi back on the applications that we install with less than perfect, these steps can reduce the likelihood of bad sectors on hard drive.
  2. bad sector is due to mechanical faults, this badsector type tend to proliferate more rapidly, this is due to the margin in the field of work in very thin disks, the surface damage created by mechanical failure or often referred to as CRASH HEAD will quickly cause more damage, because it can disturb headharddisk in reading and storing information.
while the sign - a sign keursakan hard drive are:
  1. loss of certain files and folders on the drive
  2. folder and file name of the scramble and change
  3. hard drive does not react in quite a long time (not as usual) when we call a stored data
  4. often it occurs an error when doing data migration from one folder to another folder
  5. disk emits a very loud buzzing when working
  6. frequent irregular crashes, especially when booting windows
  7. the chaotic output of the printing