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Speed up internet connection

as internet users, especially the windows operating system, sometimes frequent complaint with the decrease speed internet access, and rarely do we realize that the windows operating system will update the system with time has been specified, even if the update settings on the default settings.
This note is devoted to those who have not been aware of it, apologize to the master IT fully understands or even more than I understand.
here I write tips to reduce the amount of bandwidth used by the operating system for updates.

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  1. go to Group policy: from the start menu select Run and type gpedit.msc
  2.  after leaving the Group Policy window on the left side click Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Network - QoS Packet scheduler
  3.  then on the right side will come out the contents of the folder QoS Packet scheduler, one of which contained the limit reservable bandwidth
  4.  double click on limit reservable bandwidth and pulled out the window to set out its bandwidth. Change Notconfigured manjadi also enable and change the value% below it. (percent value there is the value of the bandwidth that the accommodation automatically by Windows to perform the windows update, the default value is 20%) so in conclusion that the PC is using a bandwidth of 20% of the capacity of the existing bandwidth to the network,
  5.  I usually pulled sets of 2% on every PC connected to the Internet because of bandwidth I'm using for 1MB and I have a network with 10 PCs connected to the internet, so not too much bandwidth is in use by the operating system
  6.  Restart your PC to change the settings on the PC effect.
the step above is not essential to increase the bandwidth we have, it's just that can maximize the use of bandwidth that we got from the provider.
if it still feels less rapidly in the Internet access means we have to change the amount of bandwidth from the provider. to stabilize the network access router should use the network or create a network router with mikrotik router
may be useful