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Wonders of Mother's Milk

Ation is "a way unmatched by any in providing ideal food for a baby's growth and development. Evaluation of the evidence - evidence which has been shown to take it on a basic level population, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is the most optimal way of feeding in infants ". although today's technology is growing yet but just milk is best food for your baby. because breast milk has many substances - substances that are not owned by a formula or food lai n is used as pngganti milk. according to the research of Doctor of Gajah Mada University (Indonesia), the benefits of breastfeeding for babies is almost unlimited. research shows that babies be breastfed exclusively protected against respiratory and digestive system diseases. 

why did it happen? because the substance - the substance in the body's immune ation provides direct protection against infection. ASI is a provider of a hospitable environment for beneficial bacteria, called normal flora. These bacteria are good. existence inhibit bad bacteria, viruses and other harmful parasites ..

Breast milk is mixed in a special food, easily digested by infants pencernaanya system is still relatively fragile and rich in nutrients. thus concluded that the baby mengeuarkan less energy during digestion of food when the baby to digest breast milk substitutes, so the rest of the energy used for other activities such as growth and organ development. a lot of research done by scientists about breastfeeding. as was done by researchers from the University of Padjadjaran, long-term benefits of breast milk will have an impact both on blood pressure, at which time blood pressure is in good condition then it can reduce the danger of attack jantung.para researchers concluded that the protection of mother's milk caused by Substance Nutrition - nya.Berdasarkan research results, which diberikn exclusively breastfed babies less likely to develop heart peyakit. has revealed that the presence asm-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids long (pembukuh prevent hardening of the arteries), and the fact that breast-fed infants ingest less sodium (Blood pressure is closely related premises) where the impact a baby will not experience excessive weight gain. Conclusions in outline, the ASI will provide a normal trip as the desired blood pressure where it is acuhan for health development in the heart.