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Natural ways to cure typus

How to Cure Disease Naturally Typus Traditional - Just sharingjust about how to cure illnesses the natural way traditional typus.Typus disease is sometimes able to infect a person whether it bechildren or people who are already adults. Symptoms or traitssuch Typus disease is the presence of fever, headache,dizziness, muscle aches, no appetite, nausea, vomiting, obstipasi(diarrhea), feeling uncomfortable stomach and cough.
Typus disease symptoms were sometimes can make us tooshrugged it off. Be careful because Typus disease could become more severe or acute.Here is How Typus heal naturally or by using traditional medicinal plants that we can meet our environment. Curing diseases with Sambiloto Typus (Andrographispaniculata) :This plant has the function of lowering heat / fever, as well asdetoxifying and antibengkak. Effective enough to overcome theinfection and stimulate phagocytosis and enhance cellularimmunity. Part of this crop is processed into capsule-shapedmedications.

Way of its use: 3 x 1 capsules (morning, afternoon,evening) 1 hour before meals. Curing diseases with lote Typus Upas (Merremia mammosa) : This plant has a function as an anti ardang and also reduce pain(analgesics) and neutralize toxins. Part of this crop is processed into capsule-shaped medications. How to use: 3 x 1 capsule /day. Typus cure with Pearl Grass : This plant has a function as a heat relievers andanti-inflammatory, but it also plays a role in activating the bloodcirculation. Part of this crop is processed into capsule-shapedmedications. How to use: 3 x 1 capsule / day. Curing diseases with Wild Ginger Typus : This plant has bacteriostatic properties and enhance immunefunction and anti inflasma (swelling). Any part of the plant isprocessed into capsule-shaped medications. How to use: 3 x 1 capsule / day.Hopefully the information on how to cure illnesses the natural waytraditional typus above can help you who is suffering from illnessTypus.

Hopefully by following the way of curing disease Typus above then you get better soon and can berakitivitas as usual.  
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