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How to instal mikrotik

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Mikrotik is an operating system inside a router installation components, ie by giving mikrotik operating system, a PC will function as a router, which in the end the PC can be used to connect 2 pieces or more networks or connecting a network to a larger network (internet).
advantages of using a PC router is the stability that we get the network connection will be better, as well as network bandwidth settings can be adjusted as needed.
picture 1.0

for those of you who want to make a PC into a router please follow these guidelines:

  1. master mikrotik OS installation, download here
  2.  prepare a PC with minimum specifications: Pentium 2 Processor, Hard Drive 5Gb, 128Mb RAM 
  3. turn on the computer and do the preparation for the installation settings in the BIOS like we are going to install windows (first boot from CD)
  4. insert mikrotik OS CD into CDRoom save the BIOS settings and restart
  5.  press any button when the screen appear the words "Press Anykey to boot from CD"
  6. wait until the screen gives a choice of applications will be in pairs along with the operating system installation process mikrotik, see picture1.0
  7.  in this step we will select applications - applications that we will install, use the top left and bottom right to highlight the application name, and the space buttons to select an application, or it could be an alternative button, a button to select all applications or m key to choose only system installed for this training we use a button (default mikrotik install all applications).
  8.  if the increments applications we have set i press the button to start the installation prses
  9. when exiting the phrase "do you want to keep old configuration? y / n" press the n because we will make the machine a router with a new configuration, see figure 2.0
  10. to answer the word "Continue?" press the y
  11. wait until the installation is finished and then press ENTER to restart the computer
  12. ignore if the monitor displaying the words "Press Anykey to boot from CD" wait out the window like a picture mikrotik 3.0
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of the above steps we already have a PC that can be used as a network router default username is admin, default password is Blank