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Instal Windows XP Via FlashDisk

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Installation is the thing that we often hear when talking about computer science, is the installation Operating System Installation Program In order to form a series of computers and computer systems can be used for work. Many ways that can be done, but in general the installation of the system operation is carried out via CD / DVDROOM, because of the owner of the Operating System itself provides its consumers in the form of VCD / DVD, but the fact now many types of notebook computer comes without a with CD / DVDRoom. therefore the solution to perform Operating System Installation Can be done through the USB Peripheral.

The following Short Tutorial for installing Via FlashDisk.
Some Things to prepare the following:

  1. Make a cup of coffee and Oreo provide a Jar Bakery (if ndak Got it could also prepare Gethuk lindri or other)
  2.  Take care not to Disconnect Internet Connection (if ga no means should the Internet at home went to Internet cafes) to download some files that would be necessary
  3.  Fruit flasdisk prepare 1 min with a capacity of 2 gb
  4.  prepare a fruit that can be used PC computer (PC not defective is to make FlashDisk installer)
  5.  also prepared XP Operating system CD / File Operating System can be stored in a PC Disk
  6.  Get File the following: (click on the Download link below )

After the 2nya in Downloads Extract and made ​​in a Folder or input PeToUSB.exe be a folder with USB_Prep8. So if in satuin kek gini within a folder:

Ok, we started just making Master Windows Installer In flash:
First of all we prepare Doloe knick knacks that we had already collected, Insert the Windows XP Installer to CDROOM master computer, USB Plug in the master computer. Next Run usb_prep8.bat to start creating Windows Installer on stick. The first time a window will appear that will format the USB PEtoUSB that we had been installed.

Perform format on flashdrive with PEtoUSB by checking on the Enable Disk Format, Quick Format, and Enable LBA (FAT 16X) and then click START!. When finished Close PEtoUSB but do not close the Command Promt window, because it will continue the process to Install Windows XP with a stick.

After a closed PEtoUSB Command Prompt window will appear "Press any key to start making". Menu will appear that essentially asks the Master Drive address setting the Windows Installer (Option No. 1) and Address Drive USB (Choice Number 3) you. Select type and enter the number 1, will be out the window to choose where you master Windows installer (point on the existing Folder CDROOM or your Windows System)

Next Type the number 3 and enter to address your USB drive. Such as USB in H or H then type the address in accordance with your flash drive.

Furthermore Select or Type the number 4 for Windows Installer Getting Started Making in flash. Will first perform flash format by press "Y" to begin.



When finished, press any key "Press any Key to Continue ..." to continue. Pengcopyan process data will soon be done, we just wait for ajah, until there is information "TempDrive Copy Files to USB-Drive in about 15 minutes = Yes OR STOP = End Program = No" 

Select "Yes" To Continue. Furthermore, if there is the option to "Yes" and "No" select Yes to the end of copy File.


Finish the process, the flash can be used to install windows on a Notebook / Laptop / Netbook Without CDROOM, How To Install Windows XP with flash can be done now. Okay we start just install Windows XP with flashdisk. Make sure the Laptop / Notebook / Netbook initial starting using flash, can be arranged on the menu at the initial setup bootting. can use the F2 or the Del key, value Set 1st Boot USB, and 2nd Boot = Disk. save and restart the Notebook.
If we do it right it will exit the display as in image :

Select the number one "TXT Mode Setup Windows XP, ...." Enter to start the installation.

Installation same as Ordinary can install Windows you can read in the Install Windows XP SP3 Complete for Beginners. Once completed, the driver Pengopian computer will restart and Select Menu No. 2 To continue the installation of Windows. If you choose the wrong, restart your computer and select number 2.

completed and is now able to Install Windows without CDROOM on a laptop or Notebook.
Hopefully USEFUL.

source of this article www.donaalfian.com