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Photoshop 7 portable

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Who is not familiar with Photoshop? When talking about the tooling tweaking images, Adobe Photoshop can be regarded as the king of image editors. Photoshop is the editing application that provides many tools to completeness in image editing, and even animation.
Why photoshop 7?
Adobe Photoshop is the innovation program until the cs5 photoshop version, but still the same tools possessed only sediit additional features, the difference is, the more the new version of the more heavily used for on the run because the averages is on the development of animation, because it's to early learning became editor of a better image with photoshop using Photoshop7

photoshop tools provided include:

  • rectangular marquee tool, to create a rectangular selection area
  • move tools, tools for the mouse on the mode select, and to move the image position
  • lasso tool, to create a selection area by moving the cursor
  • magic wand tool, to create a selection area based on the proximity of colors
  • crop tool, to perform croping the image with the final shape of a square
  • clone stamp to duplicate the image area and an area designated
  • eraser tool to erase areas of the image layer selected
  • Horizontal type tool, to write text to form a new layer

and there are many tools - another tool provided aleh adobe photoshop. with this application we can create with a lot of imagination that exist in our minds

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