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amazing sex while pregnant

healthy tips
Pregnancy is very vulnerable when having sex. Moreover, the pregnancy is over the age of 5 months. Thus, fear that sex will happen to disturb the fetus in the womb.
However, there are some tricks you can do during sex, although the gestational age. This is the moment the best sex when pregnant:

  • The woman on top. This position is the most selesa for most pregnant women. This kerana in this position a pregnant woman can guard penetration depth.
  • Sitting position. This position is usually popular among women who are at mid-pregnancy kerana it does not require much movement. Husband and wife sit on it sitting in a state of mutual berdepan. Or when the wife is getting back to the husband and wife loaded position also is the best position.
  • The position of the husband was lying on top but only half of the body.
  • Kneeling or standing position.The most important of all the sex positions during pregnancy you need to make sure it does not detail the pressure or burden on the pregnant belly.

We are aware bahawa sex is an important portion in expressing feelings of affection, a sense of security and calm, a feeling of togetherness and bring feelings of conjugal relations.