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Flock 2.6.1

Flock 2.6.1
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12/29/2011 08:55:00 pm | 0 Comments

read more for a new blogspot template

Read More / Next / full articles, or whatever we call it is an alternative to summarize postings that appear on the homepage blog, with readmore, visitors can more easily select the desired article to be open, but it Read more also can create a view Home Page Blog more effective, here's how to create Read more for a new template Blogspot.

  • go to blogger
  • select the menu layout
  • sub menu select Edit HTML
  • to avoid damage to the template for later editing please Click Download full template,
  • Important>> give a small check in the box beside Expand Widget Templates
  • Copy the code below, then paste the code just above head

  • add a little code in the template.note : the color Blue is the original code of the template code and the red is the additional code that we will insert:
<h3 class='post-title'>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div class='post-body' expr:id='"post-" + data:post.id'> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <p><data:post.body/></p> <b:else/> <style>#fullpost {display:none;}</style> <p><data:post.body/></p> <span id='showlink'> <p><a expr:onclick='"javascript:showFull(\"post-" + data:post.id + "\");"' href='javascript:void(0);'>[+/-] More...</a></p> </span> <span id='hidelink' style='display:none'> <p><a expr:onclick='"javascript:hideFull(\"post-" + data:post.id + "\");"' href='javascript:void(0);'>[+/-] Ringkasan saja...</a></p> </span> <script type='text/javascript'>checkFull("post-" + "<data:post.id/>")</script> </b:if> <div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->
.... rest of template code ....

Note : in the additional code on the word "More ..." can be replaced by Read more, Full page or other sentence as you wish

  • Click save TEMPLATE

The next step:

  • open the Settings menu
  • select the Format menu
  • Copy the code below and paste it into the empty box located next to Template posts

  • Click the Save Settings
  • Done.

How to make postings:

  • When in the manufacture of window messages, select the Edit HTML mode Not Compose, so will see the code that we'd save on Format Settings:
    <span id="fullpost"> </span>   
  • Write the articles that you want to appear before <span id="fullpost">, and the rest of the article was written after <span id="fullpost"> and before </span>

"icki" hope this little experience can benefit the reader

    12/28/2011 07:54:00 am | 0 Comments

    How to make banners , Online

    Flash animation is widely used as an accesories to enhance your blog, here icki want to try to post how to provide flash animation for web pages:
    a lot of online web programs that can be utilized to create flash animations as well as providing the final result could be a script which we place on our blog. as an example we take www.flashvortex.com site, here we can easily create Flash animations without having to understand the clever animation or flash program.
    for those who want to try, read the full page of this post.

    Here How to create :
    1. toward sites that can make Flash animation, www.flashvortex.com
    2. create a flash animation, select banners, text, button or the menu that we want to put on the blog
    3. Take, for example to create animated text, go to the site flashvortex, select the text, then specify the desired model animation
    4. after a steady option, click the "Click here to edit this", change it according to taste
    5. after finishing at the bottom of the page click generate animation, then we will get results from the animated text that we want
    6. under the appearance of animation there are two boxes easy and advanced, easy on the box is a script that can we place on our blog.
    7. copy the script and save it in notepad or another.
    8. sign in on the blog and choose the layout, added gadge, select the HTML code
    9. paste the script that we save to notepad and save the HTML gadgets, see the results
    10. to the location can be adjusted

      Hopefully Helpful

    12/27/2011 07:02:00 am | 0 Comments

    Router Network

    computer tips Free Download
    It may have been many internet sites that discuss the network router, but here we discuss in detail about this router to increase knowledge and to remember those of us who already know. itung - itung share experiences and increase the reward through the virtual world. starting from the definition to the various types of existing Ruoter and are often used to manage computer networks to the Internet network.

    start and read the well ...................!!

    The router is a computer networking device that sends data packets through a network or the Internet to the destination, through a process known as routing. The process of routing occurs at layer 3 (network layer such as the Internet Protocol) stack of the OSI seven-layer protocol.

    The router serves as a liaison between two or more networks to pass data from one network to another. Routers differ from switches. Switches are connecting multiple devices to form a Local Area Network (LAN).

    As an illustration of the different functions of routers and switches is a street, and the router is the link between road. Each house is on the road that has an address in a particular order. In the same way, a switch connects various devices, where each instrument has its own IP address on a LAN.

    Routers are very widely used in technology-based network protocol TCP / IP, and the router type is referred to as an IP Router. In addition to IP Router, there is another AppleTalk router, and still there are several other types of routers. Internet is a prime example of a network that has a lot of IP routers. Routers can be used to connect many small networks into a larger network, called the internetwork, or to divide a large network into several subnetworks to improve performance and simplify management. Routers are also sometimes used to mengoneksikan two networks that use different media (such as wireless routers in general than he can connect a computer with a radio, it also supports connecting a computer with a UTP cable), or different network architectures, as well as from Ethernet to Token Ring.

    The router can also be used to connect LANs to a telecommunications service as well as the telecommunications leased line or Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). Routers used to connect a LAN to a leased line connections such as T1, or T3, commonly referred to as an access server. Meanwhile, the routers used to connect the local network to a DSL connection is also called the DSL router. These types of routers generally have a firewall function to perform packet filtering based on source address and destination address of the package, although some routers do not have it. Router that features packet filtering is also called the packet-filtering routers. Routers are generally block traffic transmitted broadcast data so as to prevent a broadcast storm that can slow network performance.Routers are network devices that are used to divide the members of the network protocol to another, with the router so a protocol may be sharing to other network devices. Examples of its application is that if we want to divide the IP Address to members of the network then we can use this router, the router features is the facility DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Procotol), by setting up DHCP, then we can divide an IP address, other facilities of the Router is presence of NAT (Network Address Translator) that can allow an IP address or a shared internet connection to another IP address.

    for example if on a network device (computer) has the IP Address, then enable other computers to communicate, should be given an IP Address with the Network Identification 192.168.0 and the Host Identification 2-254, example, and so on.

    Problems may arise when a network devices that is connected very much (usually in the top 20 devices), an administrator will be forced around to setting up IP addresses for each host, therefore we can use the Router.

    Types of Routers :
    1. router Applications
    2. router Hardware
    3. PC router
    Router application is an application that we can install the operating system pad, so the operating system will have capabilities such as routers, application examples are WinRoute, WinGate, SpyGate, WinProxy and others.  
    Hardware is a hardware router that has the ability sepertiu router, so that the hardware can transmit or share IP addresses and to sharing the IP Address, in practice Router hardware is used to share Internet connection on a space or territory, an example of this is the access router point, the region can get Ip Address and an internet connection is called Hot Spot Area.

    to divide and mensharing IP Address, so if a network device (PC) connected to a computer will be able to enjoy an IP Address or Internet connection that is spread by the Operating System, the example of the operating system that can be used are all based on client server operating systems, such as Windows NT, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 server, Windows 2003 server, MikroTik (Linux based), and others.

    From other sources 2
    ROUTER is a tool in the computer world that is useful to deflect the data from a network system to another system. Logically a network system can not switch to another system. Sis A. Exp Using the IP and Sis B. The Company uses IP using Sis A can not communicate with Sis B without a Router.

    Working principle of the router is very easy to deflect the data from one another Sis to Sis. For router configuration using a PC (OS WIN XP) is very easy:
    1. Make sure your Company have a minimum of 2 pieces LAN Card (If you only use 2 Sis)
    2. Give the network configuration according to Sis are you using on each LAN Card. (Make sure every lan using different Sis)
    3. Ping or test the connection to each Sis, of the router. make sure all connections in a state of Good
    4. Share your Lan card by:

    - Right click on the Lan Card Tab Then in Advance Make sure there is an option to use another network blah blah blah and so on.
    - After that, try doing a ping from another computer (different client Interagency Sis), Verify Answer Replay

    12/25/2011 05:16:00 am | 0 Comments


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